Neckers and EDC's

Welcome to the Neckers Section!!

I take a “Light and Useful” approach to building neck knives. When I think of a neck knife, the first thing I think of is how to keep the weight down to a minimum while still maintaining a good level of usablilty. These are not meant to be “backup weapons” or prybars, or over built tanks. they are meant to be light, useful tools to help out with everyday cutting chores such as opening mail and packages, peeling an apple, making a sandwich, ect…. They are meant to be carried either on the supplied neck cord, or you can run the cord through the rivet holes to make a very satisfactory belt loop. All have my safety feature built into the kydex loops, to give you a chance of a breakaway in the event of a hangup. Take a look at some of the weights, most of these weigh less than my benchmade 940, which includes the weight of the knife, sheath and cord!!

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Showing all 15 results